Hello! Here are the long awaited pics of our new place. We finally got the majority of it all set up. Still some work to be done yet but it feels like a home. No big news yet. Chris has been busy this week. They have had him out in the field the last two days. I have been keeping busy as much as possible. Been kinda hard with no vehicle but I manage. I met some of Chirs's buddies and their wives last weekend. They are all very nice and its nice knowing someone here. One of the couples lives just a few houses down. Well thats all the news I have for now. Love to you all!!
Sneff :)

Please mind the movies all over the floor. Like I said eariler, we still have some work to do.
This is the bar area. As you can tell, Chris decorated this part. This really came in handy when we had his buddies over!
This is our work area.
Living room
Other part of the living room
And the fireplace :) You can see it in the bar area too!!

The bathroom is huge!
Small closet though
The veiw from our balcony. That is Pikes Peak.

You can't see it but on the top of that mountain is a bunch of towers and stuff. Chris told me that they are part of the presidents bunker. So if we are under attack, the prez may hide out there. Kinda cool :)
Looks great!!!
Love the words on the wall... :)
Yeah, I am glad that you got situated! love the new car, it is always fun to get a new vehicle!
Hope all is going well!
Love - Kori
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