TJ, Nick, Grandma Gaskill, and me before the reception

The dike near my house

This was a road under the bridge

Hello!!! Since all my awesome cousins have a blog, I thought I should start one of my own. Just a few updates on my life.....I survived the flood here in Fargo. It was some crazy times then. My house was close to some of the flooding but was never in any real danger. Big relief there. Since I had never been through a major flood, this was quite an experince. Me and my roomie went exploring one day and took tons of pics. I was very proud of the people of Fargo. They all came together and did the impossible. What a town!!
In May, my cousin Rhandi was married in Peoria, IL. I rode down with my brother's family. My littlest nephew, Matthew, kept looking at me from his car seat with this look of....."Why are you here? You aren't supposed to be here!" Poor guy, I confused him! The wedding was so beautiful and lots of fun!! It was good to see family that I haven't seen in a few years. I think I have almost turned completely northern because the first day we were in Illinois, I thought I would die of heat stroke!! I had forgotten how hot and sticky it gets in Illinois. Thankfully Mother Nature was there to remind me!
In April and then again in late May, I got to goto Germany to visit my boyfriend, Chris. He was stationed there at the army base in Vilsek. What an experience!! As most of you know, I am not a well traveled person. Never been on a plane or owned a passport before these trips. Only had been out of the central time zone once before this!! Crazy :P Germany was deffinitely differnt. Course I didn't get to go off the base too much and see as much as I wanted but was still interesting. Those army bases there are just like little american town in the middle of a foreign country. We got to visit Regansburg, Germany but because it was Good Friday, nothing was open :( I still took some pics of the countryside and some from Regansburg, Germany.
The most interesting news of this year is that I am moving to Colorado Springs, CO!!! YEA!!! I am very very excited for this move! Chris is now stationed there at Fort Carson. I was going to wait til October to move down there but he got word recently that he might be getting deployed in March. So I moved up the date so I could spend as much time with him as I could before he goes. Please pray that he doesn't have to go though!!! Anyway....I should be moving on August 9th or 10th. I know that it seems kinda sudden but it all feels right for me. Chris is an amazing person. He is from a small town not far from the north/south dakota border. He is in the army and infantry. I have been very happy since I met him!!!
Thats all the big news I can think of for right now. Thank you all for checking in and please keep on coming back!! The pics are of the flood, Germany, Rhandi's wedding, and a few extras. Enjoy!!
Love to all,
Sneff :)
1 comment:
i enjoyed the pictures. I'm excited about your move. Just remember your fanily will always be there for you,
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